What is HHC?

What is HHC?

HHC is part of the cannabis family and was made by the American chemist, Roger Adams. It was created by hydrogen molecules being added to Delta-9 THC. The process that was used to form HHC is called hydrogenation, which will turn THC into hexahydrocannabinol (or HHC)....
Considering Dabbing or Vaping?

Considering Dabbing or Vaping?

If you use medical marijuana then you know that there are many different ways in which you can consume it. You may be overwhelmed by the various products and knowing which is right for you. Two popular ways to enjoy cannabis are vaping and dabbing. You may question...
What’s the Deal With Delta 8?

What’s the Deal With Delta 8?

If you’ve been reading cannabis-related news, you know that the use and sale of Delta 8 THC is on the rise. In a nutshell, Delta 8 is a legal form of CBD that chemically is more similar to Delta 9 THC which is the active chemical in Marijuana. And because of this...
MMJ Strains For Treating Anxiety

MMJ Strains For Treating Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be a nightmare. From the grips of worry and restlessness to the tense muscles and inability to sleep, the symptoms of anxiety wreak havoc on your daily life. Many adults have found certain strains of cannabis helpful in the treatment of their...